1 min read

How to get new ideas when you feel stuck in your mind?

Whenever you feel stuck with getting new ideas, Always go out for a long walk.

Best is to go alone because that gives you time to think, if you go out with someone else you would just be talking about other things rather than introspecting in yourself.

Pick an area around your locality which is free of continuous traffic (free of clutter), or else go out early morning.

Watching the sunrise (or sunset) while you walk towards your goal is a great feeling.

Just observe your surroundings: trees, sky, kids playing, birds flying .... Let the nature come to you. Just continue your walk and things will fall in place.

The last website I built that is getting around 100k PV per month, I got the growth ideas on long walks as well, Same with the previous website of mine that was getting 5M PV per month at its peak.

Long walks will give you some of the best ideas and teach you the importance of patience and persistence.

Most things are simple, but we are lazy to follow the process and be disciplined.

Just keep walking in life, Show up everyday and see for yourself.
